I don't know how it is at your house, but at mine summertime means that the sleepover requests (which I think are frequent anyway) really ramp up.

And you'd think it would be the girls. But it isn't.

It's my youngest son.

So the conversation went something like this:

Three days ago
Him: If I do some stuff around the house first (they CAN be taught!) can I have some friends spend the night on Friday.

Me: Let's talk about that the closer it gets to Friday.

Him: What do you need me to do around the house so I can have some friends over tonight?
(They are amazingly helpful when there's something in it for them. :o) )

Me: (Quickly calculating the number of stinky feet and unshowered bodies I'm willing to have in my basement at one time and the amount of $$ in the budget I'm willing to spend on Mountain Dew, Pringles, and Sour Gummy Worms) How many friends are we talking about here?

Him: How many can I have? 4? 5?

Me: Uhh. How about 3?

Him: 4?

Me: 2?

Him: 4?

(Usually this strategy works in my favor. I bargain down, and then what I suggested in the first place doesn't seem so bad. Apparently I'm losing my touch.)

Me (still trying): 1?

Him (grinning): 4?

Me (sensing a difficult victory this time): Who are you wanting to have over exactly?

Him: Kid I've known my entire life, Kid I've known as long as I can remember, Kid I spend as many waking hours as I possibly can with, and New Kid.

(Older son enters. Subject gets changed. I get up to leave.)

Him: So just 3?

Me: If I just let you have 3, who doesn't get invited? New Kid?

Him: Probably.

Me (admitting defeat): Okay. 4.

Sometime, in the not so distant future, New Kid is gonna be my kid. I hope sleepover negotiations in the Inland Empire go the exact same way this one did.

Leave a Reply.


    For now, I live in a small Midwestern community with our four children. My husband lives and works in a suburb of the second largest city in the United States.  Our lives are filled with "long distance love," "single parenting teenagers and pre-teens," "frequent flyer miles," "face time" and preparing the family for this huge unknown and terrifying transition.  
    I'm a veteran home school mom and an elementary teacher by trade. I get to combine the best of both of those worlds AND help earn my keep by working for a virtual school. 
    My favorite things in the world are a good book, a fabulous thrift store find, a solitary four-mile run, and the look in a child's eye when he realizes that c-a-t reads 'cat.' 
    Everyone likes me better when I consume coffee first thing in the morning.
     I fiercely love my faith, my family, my friends, and the Oxford comma.

    Our Story, Part 1

    Our Story, Part 2


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013